Golf prides itself as a “gentleman’s game.” En the masse, golfers take this mantra to heart, adhering not only to the rules, but towards standard etiquette on the golf course and to their fellow hackers. Unfortunately, due to bad habits or general ignorance, there remains a multitude of breaches of etiquette. We’re all guilty of some fallacy; it’s simply a matter of understanding proper procedures. Here are the 14 manners of golf etiquette that are commonly violated. Click through and see if you know them all
Showing up less than 15 minutes before your tee time
Putting with too many balls on the practice green
Failing to pick up the flagstick
Looking longer than five minutes for a lost ball
Talking to someone’s ball
Standing behind someone as they putt
Walking in a player’s “through line”
Placing bag on a tee box
Walking across the green with your bag
Lack of divot pattern on the driving range
If you’re terribly behind on a match play hole, pick up
Checking your phone too much
It’s one thing to check a score or send a text between holes. But continually attached to your phone goes against the spirit of being with friends or one with nature. Even if not causing an audible disruption, you’re telling your group that you find them tedious and boring.
Source: Golf Digest